As a mother, acquiring the education, know-how and developing our tool box to deal with anything life throws at us when it comes to our family's health, is priceless.

This course will give you the confidence to treat your family first, at home, without fear, while fine-tuning your intuition and skills to know when you need to turn to help - whether that be from your ND, GP or from your local emerg.

"Dr. Kat is so knowledgable and kind - I'm so happy to be working with her."

- Jenny H.

Build Your Medicine Cabinet

Having remedies on hand, and knowing HOW to use them, can mitigate anxiety around kids getting sick, especially in the middle of the night.

Truly Understand Your Child

Gain the knowledge about your child's cognitive, emotional and physical development, to best understand why they are acting the way they are and how best to support them.

Connect With Your Intuition

When we are unsure or do not know something, we often experience fear. When you have a strong foundation of understanding health, you can tap into your intuition which will serve you in your motherhood journey beyond measure.

Hi, I’m Dr. Kat!

I am a mama to three miraculous, incredible children, wife to a real-life superman and Naturopathic Doctor since 2013. I believe in empowering women to take care of themselves and their families - to bolster and realize our inherent power; to side-step the broken healthcare system and to lean into the caretaker role we are born with.

I believe in medical freedom, informed consent and empowered health. Join me in creating a movement.